Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

The body needs a variety of vitamins to be able to function properly. This ranges across both male and female genders, infants, teenagers, and the elderly. Generous amounts of supplements and vitamins such as a vitamin help in the development of good eyesight, a healthy reproductive system, and a well-developed brain.

Lucky enough vitamins are present in a lot of foods such as fruits and green leafy vegetables. In modern times, supplements are also present as one can get them over the counter. The functioning of the body may not be 100% in case the required vitamins or minerals are deficient.

Benefits of vitamin A in the body

Improves eyesight

Being a component of the protein rhodopsin, this allows the eye to maintain good vision in low light. This in turn reduces night blindness that is a condition where one is unable to see well in poorly lit conditions.

It also plays an important role in maintaining a clear cornea that aids in vision.

Improves the immune system functioning

The presence of a vitamin is crucial for the development of innate immunity. This refers to the immunity one is naturally born with. It helps in fighting infections and unwanted bacteria in the body.

The white blood cells that fight pathogens in the body are boosted through the intake of vitamin A.

Natural moisturizing

Intake of carrots, a source of a vitamin assists in water retention in cells. This leads to cells being hydrated reducing the risk of dry and cracked skin.

On the other hand, well-hydrated cells prevent the breakout of acne especially in teenagers and women during their menstruation or ovulation period.

Hidden Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

When the body detects a deficiency in any vitamins, it starts showing abnormal behavior. It is not any different from vitamin A. When in scarcity, the body will start showing the following signs and symptoms.

Dry skin

The vitamin is responsible for water retention in cells. When not enough in the body, one experiences dehydration and this leads to dry skin. Dry skin is quite uncomfortable and leads to cracks that can be painful if not well moisturized.

Dry skin on the scalp leads to dandruff and itchiness which is not healthy for the hair. This in turn leads to hair loss and an irritated scalp.

Sore eyelids

The development of good vision in infants and unborn babies starts with a sufficient intake of vitamin A. If not well taken, the cornea becomes itchy causing an irritation that causes the eyes to swell. In severe cases, this leads to eye infections such as cataracts and night blindness where one is unable to have a clear vision at night.

Poor wound healing

The presence of enough a vitamin promotes the creation of collagen important for the creation of healthy skin. This promotes the natural healing of wounds. If not enough in the body, the skin takes longer than normal to heal wounds and infections.

In conclusion, it is important to incorporate vitamins in your diet equally. This is important to your skin, eyes, gut, reproduction, and general well-being.